The Independent Bookstore Search is a directory of independent bookstores in the American West! Whether you’re a reader hoping to support small businesses or an author looking for book signing venues, the Independent Bookstore Search is here to help. Learn more and start your search below!
Independent bookstores are gathering places. They’re hubs of art and community, and, unlike big-box bookstores, each one is truly and beautifully unique. Our website supports these critical community spaces by helping them reach new customers. Join us in shopping small and local!
The Independent Bookstore Search makes it easy to find bookstores throughout the region that are open to hosting book signings, readings, author talks, and more. We did the research so you can schedule the book tour of your dreams—and support small businesses at the same time!
One of the most enjoyable ways to spend a day? Browsing through a bookstore! The Independent Bookstore Search can help you discover new stores opening up in your neighborhood, hidden gems in your hometown, or bucket-list bookstores to check out on your travels.
Looking for bookstores near you?
Browse through a list of every independent bookstore in the Western USA.
The Indie Bookstore Search was featured in a Redfin article discussing indie bookstores in Olympia!
We’ve finished our goal of listing all the indie bookstores in the American West! Click on the links below to check out each state. Oregon Start Searching Washington Start Searching Idaho Start Searching Montana Start Searching Alaska Start Searching Wyoming Start Searching Hawaii Start Searching Nevada Start Searching Utah Start Searching New Mexico Start Searching…
Welcome to the Independent Bookstore Search! I’m Francesca, a small-press author. I first had the idea for this website way back in 2014 when I was planning my very first book tour. I spent hours searching for a list of independent bookstores in my state, but, to my surprise, I couldn’t find one! So I…
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